Thursday, September 14, 2006

MYSC Final Selection 9th & 10th Sept.

Malaysian Youth Scrabble Championship (MYSC) is the follow up of the Inter-school Scrabble Championship event sponsored by Mattel SEA Pte Ltd. Berjaya Times Square was the venue sponsor.
MYSC is independent of Malaysian Scrabble Association (MSA).
With or without the World Youth Scrabble Championship (WYSC) selection, MYSC will still be held.

Sorry for the delay in posting the final selection (MYSC Playoff) results.
All of the form 5 qualifiers were omitted due to their coming Nov and Dec exams.
16 finalist agreed to meet at BTS on the 9th & 10th for the 15 games Round Robin playoffs.

1 William Kang
2 Loh Vern sern
3 Wendy Lee
4 Sarah Sim
5 Sean Chung
6 Brian Lim Da Qing
7 Cedric Stewart Lewis
8 Ian Tay
9 Ching San Song
10 Chow Xin Wei
11 Chin Hon Yew
12 Alex Hong
13 Ker Jen Ho
14 Khoo Beng way
15 Isaac low
16 Ng Li Yuan ( fill in for Gan Yi En who could not come last minute because of college tutorial. Li Yuan was discovered after participating in Merdeka Tournament by MSA President. Li Yuan was allowed to join as he wanted to know his standard. Li Yuan's Mum also agreed to bear their own cost to Australia should Li Yuan qualifies.)

The reason why final selection was done was because Ong Suanne and William Kang could not attend MYSC on 21st & 22nd Aug. Unfortunately, Ong Suanne still could not attend the final selection on 9th & 10th because she had other important appointment in Singapore.
We want to make sure that all our good Malaysian Juniors be given a chance.

Selection for the final 16 is based on MYSC participation, ratings, rankings, experience in other open tournament, etc. (refer to Aug 27 posting)

Finally, the full results after game 15.

Rank Name Points Spread
1 Loh Vern Sern 14 +1375
2 Khoo Beng Way 9 +567
3 Chin Hon Yew 9 +447
4 Ng Li Yuan 9 +325
5 Sean Chung 9 +279
6 Alex hong 9 +133
7 Chow Xin Wei 9 +106
8 Brian Lim Da Qing 8 -218
9 Sarah Sim 8 -491
10 Ker Jen Ho 7 -231
11 Isaac Low 6 -388
12 Ching San Song 6 -447
13 Ian Tay 5 -485
14 Cedric Stewart Lewis 4 -189
15 Wendy Lee Suk Ling 4 -436
16 William Kang/Kelly Chung/Scott Chung 4 -346

The result was a disappointment as those we think should be in, was at bottom three.
We discovered that Wendy's and Cedric's performance was way below expectation. They agreed with us that they were 'burnt-out' after attending competition every week without proper break. MYSC 21st & 23 Aug 12 games , Merdeka Tournament 2nd & 3rd Sept, 16 games and now MYSC Playoffs 15 games. To top it all, they travelled every week from Malacca to KL. Who wouldn't be exhausted?

I am so sorry for William Kang. William did not wish to continue playing after the 7th game (2 wins, spread -36).
Kelly Chung and Scott Chung filled the void left by William.

The students really 'sweated' it all out. They have gone through a long way. From state level to inter-school finals to MYSC and finally, MYSC playoffs. Such an ardous process. I had seen them shed tears of joy and sadness. Friendship formed, disputes settled. Most of all , students enjoyed the game.

Finally, this is the oficial list submitted to MSA for final decision.

5 Malaysian's reps are:
Gan Yi En (MYSC Champion)
Loh Vern Sern (Selection Champion)
Khoo Beng Way
Chin Hon Yew
Sean Chung

1st Reserve: Ong Suanne (Students and parents present agreed that being top ranked
does not guarantee an automatic spot.)
2nd reserve: Ng Li Yuan
3rd Reserve: Alex Hong

Next in line:
Chow Xin Wei
Brian Lim
Sarah Sim
Wendy Lee
Cedric Stewart Lewis
Ching Sang Song
Isaac Low
Nigel Loh

I am sure by now MSA would have contacted all the 5 students for their preparation to Australia.
As most end of year exams are just round the corner, concentrate on your studies first. Go back to Scrabble practise after exams.
I hope MSA prepare some programme for the 5 representatives.

The 5 Students are to bear own return airfare until sponsors are found. For those who would like to go, you can still do so provided that you pay own fares and AD300 for participation fees, food and lodging .
To all our youths representing Malaysia, I wish you all the best. Keep up the good , clean play!

Now I can have a break from Scrabble!

Happy Scrabbling.

1 comment:

vchi said...

Mrs Yap,

I know I shouldn't be busybodying, but I think the current MYSC selection process is not the best way to select Malaysia's best representatives.

The MYSC is a mirror of WSC, and I feel the selection process should somewhat mirror the selection of the Malaysian reps for the WSC (1 rep selected by the Malaysian Open winner, one rep selected by ratings). I feel it should be something like the 2 champions and 3 highest rated players. This would have, in my opinion, the best way to select a representative.

However, I do respect MSA and your decision. I would just like to see the next selection process to be somehow like the WSC selection process.

This is just my opinion, and should not be taken offensively, but then again, I think this ensures that Malaysia is properly represented in the WYSC, and we are able to field the country's top guns in the battle of words.

Victor Ching